Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Interested in Colon Cleansing & How to Save Money on It?

Hi there I wrote this to talk about natural colon cleansing methods and products, as well as look at some of the health benefits and weight loss claims behind this practice...

There are basically 2 methods of cleansing the colon, one is through irrigation or hydrotherapy, and the other is by consuming various types of supplements, usually herbal.

Irrigation or hydrotherapy requires a licensed technician and some expensive machines, and its more of a controversial procedure because the medical & scientific community sees a lot of dangers in it. Some people have had success with hydrotherapy and its usually not dangerous, but its definitely a controversial procedure and the benefits are mostly short-term.

I want to focus more on the supplement side of colon cleansing, which is consuming various herbs, teas and other natural substances to possibly detoxify the colon.

But first, let me give you the quick lowdown on the theory behind natural colon cleansing...

There's a belief, dating back ages, that undigested meat and other foods cause the colon to literally get "backed up" with mucus and toxins, which infiltrate our blood supply and slowly poison the body.

This slow poisoning causes a variety of symptoms including high levels of fatigue, frequent headaches and sluggish metabolisms that cause us to gain excess bodyfat.

Its important to note that this theory of toxic colon buildup, also known as autointoxication, doesn't enjoy strong scientific support because it hasn't been researched very much in depth.

However, naturopathic doctors and holistic practitioners swear by it, as do of thousands of people around the world who claim to have improved their health and their well-being through natural colon cleansing.

So, the main goal is to get rid of the toxic waste that is encrusted on the walls of the colon, which revitalizes the entire body and its various functions. For example, some of the benefits include:

1) Better mental & psychological health
2) Enhanced immune system function
3) Weight loss and increased metabolism
4) Reduced risk of colon cancer

Many of these benefits are routinely reported by people who try natural colon cleansing, so its definitely something to consider as long as its safe and not too expensive.

Now, as far as weight loss is concerned, typically most users report losing some quick pounds after doing a colon cleanse. These pounds are usually water weight and impacted fecal matter, which typically reduces bloating in the gut and helps to flatten the stomach a bit.

As food is better digested and nutrients are more easily absorbed through our intestine, it can have a positive effect on our metabolism. Basically, digestion helps to make large food molecules smaller, so they can pass through the lining of our digestive system.

These smaller molecules enter our bloodstream and are taken to individual cells where a series of chemical reactions occur and energy is released. This is a basic definition of metabolism. The better the digestive process, the better food will be converted to energy to enhance our metabolism.

One of the easiest ways to kickstart your natural colon cleansing process is to increase your intake of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which will increase your bowel movements and help to flush out a lot of the toxins.

There are also several herbs that act as mild laxatives, intestinal cleansers, digestive soothers and toxin absorbers.

Some of the well known herbs include Turkey Rhubarb, Aloe, Senna, Flax Seeds, Organic Cloves and Olive Leaf Extract.

The ideal supplement for colon cleansing should contain a variety of all natural ingredients, in their potent forms. These natural ingredients need to serve these important functions:

1) Having a mild laxative effect to stimulate bowel movements, without causing dependency.

2) Absorb fluids and toxins and aid in the excretion of mucous fluids.

3) Provide soluble & insoluble fiber to improve digestive health.

4) Soothe the digestive tract and stimulate the production of bile.

If you're ready to cleanse your colon naturally, I recommend using the "trial offer" of this supplement:

The nice thing is that you can try this supplement to see how well it'll work for you, and not have to use it again for a long time or until you need it.

>>>Natural Colon Cleanse Trial Offer<<<

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